Thursday 21 March 2019

Kopuwai and the clever girl

This story is from Rapuwai,And is set on the banks of Matu-Au/Clutha River in Otago and comes from a long time ago.When Moa roamed the land and giant tuna swam in the rivers.Each summer hunting parties would travel inland to gather food.Sometimes people would go missing,Whanau would blame Kopuwai the monster from the river who preyed on humans with his ferocious pack of two headed dogs.

Kopuwai was strong and fearsome but he had one weakness.The warm breeze of the North West wind would make him tired.He would always yawn no matter what time. So every time it came he would be afraid that his new Mokia would escape.So he tied a rope to the girls ankle and the other end he would have a great grip on.

His character is quite angry epicly when he got outsmarted by Kaiamio. He's the leader of his pack. He's very lazy so he makes Kaiamoa do all the work. This challenge shows how smart and preventful he is but he's not smart enough for Kaiamio.

In the end Kaiamio escapes the wicked beast by creating a raft near the river in her spare time,So she could use the river.When the raft was finished she pearped and waited for the North West wind to blow.When it hit she was ready she scrambled down to the river,Ripped off the rope on her and tied it onto a small sapling.Without a second she shoved the raft down into the river and let the current take her.And that's how she escapes the beast leaving him With the remains of her preparation and so very angry.


Wednesday 20 March 2019

Whale Rider

Whale Rider is a movie that was filmed in 2002 at Whangara.Its based around a youthful girl named Paikea.Who was born in a traditional maori family whose strict on rules and gender.

Paikea's is a character who wants to prove that women can also lead.She determined to fight for what she believes in. And is willing to sacrifice herself for the ones she loves.

Shes really important to the story because she helps her tribe/people realise that gender doesn’t matter.And everyone even child can lead a pack.
She also teaches a life leason.

To conclude In the end Paikea proves what a leader she is by leading her people on a waka.Over the waves as they start their new adventure.

Why is Multiculturalism Important to our society.

I believe that multiculturalism
Is very important to our community
And society.It can have some benefits
Like earning Diverse cultures,Languages
And earning the respect of Others.

Most of NZ's population would communicate
Though english but Nz also accepts difference in languages like Te reo maori,Samoan and many more.
We can also learn others cultures, we understand their lifestyle,Food and Religion.And their general person.

The importance of multiculism is that we as a huge community are accepting everyone's differences.So if we were all the same what would we be now?
Just a plain old country with only one culture and everyone would be the same,But we aren't like that that we have many cultures and we don’t put it to waste.

To summarize the reason why multiculturalism is so important is because it makes us more acteeping, Promotes peace,helps when traveling and it's just a nice skill to have.So that all i have to say sdo i hope you now understand why multiculturalism is so important.


Tuesday 19 March 2019

My blog about me!!

Hi everyone I’m Alizeyah a formal Gis int students it’s good to meet you.
This year i’m a year 7 in learning hub 8 base group Gaddum Team walters.
I used to be a Te Wharau student. My summer holidays were awesome we had fun hanging out with my family and we had a very delicious hangi [And prizzies].
I love to Draw and reading.I hope you enjoyed my blog have a good day.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

Welcome to my blog for learning.
I look forward to sharing my learning with my school,
my whānau and friends anywhere.